Facial Procedures

Otoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to improve the appearance of the ears. It does not affect hearing, and it usually has significant effects on the patient’s psychology, whether it is a congenital problem or a disformity caused by an injury.
Otoplasty is used to either move the ears closer to the head or to reduce their size in case they are unusually large.

This operation can also correct genetic ear peculiarities such as the lack of folds, the possible folding of the ear inwards or outwards, or a large or injured lobe.
Dr. Sotiris Ioannidis is experienced in reconstructive surgery for patients who may have lost their ear or part of it after an accident.
Πριν & Μετά: Ωτοπλαστική
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Karina Khalatova
Εξαιρετικός σαν γιατρός και σαν άνθρωπος, επαγγελματίας, με πολύ καλή φήμη στον χώρο της πλαστικής χειρουργικής που ανταποκρίνεται και στις προσδοκίες, δεδομένου ότι ταξίδεψα από την Αμερική για να τον επισκεφτώ. Ευχαριστώ για όλα!
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