Mommy Make Over - Case 04

38-year-old mother of two, 1.62 m tall and weighing 60 kg, with deflated, sagging breasts, localized fat in the torso, abdominal wall separation, and skin laxity in the abdomen after pregnancy. Also experiencing gluteal laxity and sagging.

Procedure: “Extreme Mommy Makeover”

  • Breast lift without implants using the auto-augmentation technique. Additionally, glandular reduction of 215 g in the left breast.
  • 360 HD liposuction of the torso – 3 liters.
  • Fat transfer to the buttocks (BBL) – 600 cc per side.
  • Lipo-abdominoplasty.

Eight months post-op

Mommy Make Over – Case 04 Mommy Make Over – Case 04